Monday, March 12, 2007

A new day

This will be a quick post, but I just wanted to share how much of a behavior difference there has been in Jake today. He's like a totally different child, in a good way. I sat down with him for about 20 minutes today to read and do puzzles and Dave was able to give him his full attention when he got home - it's amazing the difference.

An adult sunday school class at my church is starting a class on a book called The Five Love Languages of Children. While the class is at 8:15am (I don't fully function before 10am or 11am), I might still buy the book. The author (Gary Chapman) talks about how each child expresses and receives love best through 5 different "languages": Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Even though I haven't read it yet, I have a feeling that Jake will fall into the Quality Time category. He just laps up attention and hates being alone. For someone who values "me time" like it was going out of style, this might be a challenge for me, but I challenge I'm going to have to accept for everyone's sanity.

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