Monday, August 13, 2007

There's hope!

First off, I want to thank everyone for leaving such great comments for me over the weekend. It was really encouraging to see what everyone said and it helped me out a lot! THANK YOU!!

We had a pretty good weekend. We spent the whole day together on Saturday doing family stuff which hasn't happened in a while. We went to the park, had lunch, played board was very relaxing. Emma's attitude is still grinding on me a bit, but I'm trying to bite MY tongue before I bite HER head off.

My cousin threw a surprise 70th birthday party for my uncle yesterday. He and my aunt drove all the way in from Oklahoma to see my cousin's family. He wasn't very happy when he found out they were going to go to a party for my cousin's co-worker. Of course he was very surprised when the party was for him. It went really well and Jake and Emma had a blast playing with all of their cousins. The only tears were from Emma when it was time to go home, but they were both just exhausted. It was a great day. I started getting a little agitated by the end of the evening, but I was tired too so my tolerance was down.

Today was the first day of a Jake's nature camp. He'll be gone this whole week from 8:30-12 noon. I honestly think it'll do us both some good to have a little break from each other. Emma and I were able to make it to water playground with some other moms and kids from church. Emma had as good of a time as Emma can. There was a lot of whining and there were a couple stare downs between her and I, but over all it went well. Jake seemed to love camp and was very excited to tell me that he had seen some "Queen Anne's Lake". We've had a great day so far, the time we've been able to spend together.

I think the key is to not let things build up so much before I need to let the steam out. I'm feeling much better than I was even a few days ago. I think all I needed was a little perspective. It was good to get it out and it gave me an opportunity to step back and realize the things I was stressing about won't really matter in the long run.

Now if I can just remember that when this all happens again with the next "phase".

7 reviews:

tammi said...

So happy to hear your outlook has already changed! I prayed lots for you on the weekend. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with friends and family.

tammi said...

P.S. There's something for you on my blog!

Misty said...

So happy things are looking up this week. Enjoy your me time.... and don't be tempted to clean or tidy up or organize......... use it for what/who is important - - YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great! Glad you guys had a good weekend together. Girl, we will never arrive!! It will always be a journey, but we have to (speaking to myself as well) keep in mind our purpose and "job" as these kiddos mom. I guess my voice comes from someone raised by a mother who most of my memories are are of her yelling at us, telling us we were driving her crazy, or her telling us she worked to get away from us. My other memories are of her not being around much because she was at said job!! Fortunatly I did turn out OK, but I really did a lot of praying and thinking before and when I had my kids..... I want them to have great memories....our home was fun and people were laughing. Yeah, we all have those other moments.... that's part of life, growing up and living in a house with other people, but the biggest feeling I wanted them to have were good thoughts of their childhood. I want my children to want to come visit me when they get married and move away. I want them to WANT to bring their kids to my house....not dread going to the mean old grandma's house!! :-)

Sorry this is long, I just wanted you to know where I was coming from in my comments.

Have a great rest of the week!

Christine said...

It's one big roller coaster! Just when you think you can't climb another inch, you start a freefall and start enjoying the ride!! It sure is wearying, though!

I'm having a better day too!


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I've been a stay at home mom (and a homeschooler) for 19 years. My "babies" are 17 and 19 years old. I can't tell you how many times I've "been there, done that, created the tshirt!" :-) I know it's hard to believe in the midst of the younger years, but it really does feel like I blinked and those toddlers turned into teens. But I also have to say that sometimes, drugs are our friends! ;-) Yes, I've been on antidepressants for years. Mainly to control chronic headaches, which cause depression, or the depression includes chronic headaches? Who knows! But I do know I've done very well coping since getting on the meds.

If you ever want the perspective of someone who has moved beyond that stage, please don't hesitate to email me.

Sue said...

I'm glad you're feeling better and had a good weekend. I'm sure the camp will be a much needed break for both of you.

I hope you continue to feel better. Family time always helps!