Thursday, March 29, 2007

And away we go!

Dave and I are finally getting a chance to go away for the weekend (thank you Mom & Dad!) and oh my goodness how we need it. There's a great state park about an hour south of here with beautiful rock formations and caves. Dave used to do a lot of caving in his "pre Thea" days so I think that he's looking forward to going to this particular area. We are definitely looking forward to a weekend of sleeping in, hiking, reading, nature, and at least 6 (yes SIX) whole meals of not cutting anyone else's food. The camera is packed so hopefully I'll have some great shots that I can share with you all when I get home (this one's from the web).

While I'm gone, here are some other posts for you to peruse...

My friend Christine has a great post about attitudes towards a challenging stubborn spirited child.

Got the organizing bug? Laura will be hosting a spring organizing challenge starting on Monday.

Shannon writes a BEAUTIFUL inspiring post about coming out of the darkness.

Need an extra dose of patience to deal with co-workers? Zany Mama does, too.

And if all you need is a good laugh, please go visit Beth. She hates Sanjaya, and you should, too.

Have a great weekend, everyone!!

4 reviews:

Christine said...

Have a great weekend, Thea!!!

Unknown said...

Wha? Huh? You're leaving me? For a weekend? oh no, girl. I don't think so, send hubby to the caves and you come over, okay? (you could help me with the laundry)


You will be missed!

Sue said...

Have a great time this weekend!

Zany Mama said...

Hope your weekend is fabulous! What a fun trip for the both of you.

(And while I can't wait to see your pictures, I'm actually more interested to know what it's like to have 6 meals with only another adult for company. I'm tres jealous.)